all this while jelly plays on, I’m gettin so pissed that I fire up a joint in their holding and tried to listen to the hate goes on”. I said fuck no I paid $1200 for my tickets there and jrllynlust came on … so the dude follows me out the gate and I stop bc he is on my ass and turn around to tell him to quit following me and he chest bumps me and then cried out assault and has me escorted to holding … for nothing. I went to my phone and it was dead completely, obvious I had a seat in the frontsection but I was told to go to lawn. Concert was great! But the staff security was a huge let down to the show!! If anyone sees this and knows how I can get a message to jelly or bunnie about Hollywood casino amphitheater and how during Allison’s set I was rec a short vid for myself wasn’t in anyone’s way … had a tix for row D and two security told me to keep it moving blah blah, I asked politely if I could finish up this song got30 seconds!!? Fuck no they say can’t stand here show me ur ticket”.